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  • Ingredients:

  • 1 level tsp soft light brown sugar
    150m1 warm water
    1 level tbsp dried yeast
  • Dough:
  • 720g whole meal plain flour
    120g natural bran
    1 level tbsp kitchen salt
    1 level tbsp soft light brown sugar
    30g margarine
    Beaten egg, or fresh milk.
  • Glaze:
  • Method:

  • 1. Dissolve one level tea spoon brown sugar in hand-hot water; sprinkle dried yeast over and leave until frothy, about 10 minutes.
    2. Place flour bran, salt and brown sugar in a bowl. Add margarine and rub in with the fingertips until mixture resem bles fine breadcrumbs. Mix in yeast liquid and 450m1 water with hands and a wood en spoon, adding extra flour: if necessary, until dough leaves side of bowl.
    3. Turn dough out on to a floured board. Knead and stretch dough by folding towards you and pushing away with the palm of the hand. Give dough a quarter turn and repeat, developing a rocking motion. Knead for about 10 minutes, until dough feels firm and is no longer sticky.
    4. Place dough in a bowl, cover with greased polythene and leave to rise until doubled in size, about one hour. Test by pressing with a floured finger, when dough should spring back.
    5. Grease two baking sheets. Turn dough out on to a floured board and knead to disperse any large air bubbles. Divide dough into two pieces.
    6. Knead one piece into a ball, flatten and place on a baking sheet. Using a sharp knife mark a cross on top of loaf. Cover with greased poly thene and leave until doubled in size.
    7. Divide remaining dough into 12 even-sized pieces. Knead each piece into a ball and place on baking sheet. Cover with greased polythene and leave until doubled in size.
    8. Prepare a hot oven (Gas Mark 8, 450~F 2300C). Brush bread with beaten egg or milk and sprinkle rolls with some bran.
    9. Bake rolls near top of oven for 10 to 15 minutes, and loaf in the centre for 25 to 30 min utes until well-risen and golden brown. To test, tap base: if cooked, bread will sound hol low. Leave to cool.



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